; covers only one aspect of the problem of mold over the food is considered, is it bad or not? Before moving further into our discussion it is important to know about the root causes of mold, its growth, types, etc. We will provide valuable information about the types of mold which can be useful and also will try to elaborate the harmful effects of other molds.
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Introduction to
Mold is fungus which require mainly three things in its host to grow i.e. moist air, nutrient-rich food and warm temperatures. Air usually contains spores of mold. When they get in contaact with openly placed food item, they start to break the nutrients and start to grow.
Mold, which is a type of fungus, grows under warm temperatures, moist air and under other nutrients. There are wide varieties of foods that can be attacked by mold i.e. bread cheese fruits etc.
Formation of
Mold can grow in almost all foods which are nourished and in addition it has to be warm and damp. Surely, you have noticed that when bread is almost 3 days old the mold starts to grow from a tiny place and eventually covers almost all the bread with the passage of time. This is because over the passage of time, the spores of mold multiply themselves. It breaks down the nutrients of the food to and consumes to grow forming discolored patches. Colors may vary from green, blue, white, black or even pink. Mostly color of the mold depends on the nature of food. Denser color of the mold indicates more number of days its presence on the food.
Types of Food that Easily Get
Mold usually attacks food items like fruits, leftovers, opened food items, bread, dairy products, on cooked and un-cooked food itoms.
Risks of
As far as health is concerned, there should not be any unnecessary riks need to be taken. If you have slaght doubt of having mold on your food, it is better to discard it. The only exceptions are in the case of cheese, where moldy food is consumable. Not at all type of molds are dangerous. However, some species of molds are toxic which may lead to many health concerns such as skin rashes, allergies, respiratory infoctions, and digestion related problems. Edible Mold Example
As discussed above, mold in cheese is the exception to the rule. It is in fact the essential component to make certain type of special cheese. In case of blue cheese, brie and camembert, the mold is intentionally introduced to make the best taste and texture. But keep in mind that the mold is allowed to only these type of cheese. Mold on other types of cheese should be treated as harmful. Methods to Prevent Mold Growth on Food
- Mold growth can be prevented from harder types of food. Here is the list on how to prevent mold growth on food.
- Always store food or leftovers in a cold storage. Avoid exposing the food in warm or humid areas.
- Use airtight boxes to place the leftover foods.
- Consuming food freshly can avoid mold growth.
- Always check expiry date of the products. Do not buy the products which are close to their expiry dates as they are more easily to get mold.
- Clean refrigerators or cool storages frequently and inspect food thoroughly.
For a foodie person mold is the most irritating thing. It spoils your favorite food. It also poses health risks by producing mycotoxins. It is safer and easy to discard the moldy food than to remove moldy part and consume food again. When in doubt always follow the golden rule “If in doubt, throw it out”. See More